This year at Burning Man, artist Joe Crossley(Astral Projekt) will be producing and curating a collection of Human/ AI inspired media art pieces under the name IAMAI. The ethos is to create a ceremonial space where we can acknowledge and celebrate the declaration of co- existence between man and machine.
Artists from around the world are invited to submit media artworks to this theme to be displayed in a truly immersive setting at the foot of the man base this year.
Details on how you can be involved are below.
PROJECTOR LAYOUT: 6 x Projector 360 ̊ media surface(1920 x 1200 @ 15k Lumens Epson laser Projectors)
PROJECTION AREA: The Projection area will be a full 360 ̊ Wall intersected by two doorways(not show on output template)
Green Areas denote the projection area, content falling outside these areas will be not visible. The grey area is the unused projector throw. The green areas will be stitched at both ends creating a full 360 degree surface. Animators should supply finished files with their camera angles included. Files will be played as received. Audio should be embedded in the video file, we wont be accepting files with detached audio unless pre arranged for a surround sound experience.