AV Projects

Doodles Come to Life on a Giant Face



The black-and-white murals from the Montreal-based collaborative En Masse look like notebook doodles made extravagant. Their latest project, EN MASSE x VISAGE, sees the melding of artists working across a variety of mediums to harmonize artistically right in front of your eyes like a barbershop quartet.

The self described, “highly spontaneous, multi-artist collaborative” was captured through in jittery stop-motion animation by filmmakers Salman Sajun and Brian Tornay. Painters from the crew create a series of patterns on top of a large sculpture of a human face. The resulting video animates their crisp, street art-infused graphics with a beautiful yet chaotic synchronicity.

The group aims to create works of art conceived with a collective vision, executed by the group, as a means to create something greater than anything one person could create alone. Salman Sajun shared with The Creators Project some behind-the-scenes images of the shoot, which you can check out below:

 Images courtesy of Salman Sajun.  

More from En Masse here. And follow new works from Salman Sajun on his website.

Via The Creators Project


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