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IV Centenario de la Plaza Mayor de Madrid. Oficial

FrontFX Magazine



IV Centenario de la Plaza Mayor de Madrid. Oficial from otu cinema on Vimeo.

Official video of the IV Centenary of the Plaza Mayor in Madrid.

Idea, production and direction
Citizen Kien – Artistic Projects

Artistic direction
Diana Jusdado
Miguel Romera
Óscar Testón

Technical direction
Francisco de Borja González (FLUGE & BNC AV)

2D / 3D
Romera Design and Infographics
Miguel Romera, Manuel Romera, Santiago Villa,
Juan José Vázquez, Vritis, Luis Alberto Falomir,
JuanKa Galán Jiménez, Diego Balasera and Óscar Santamaría

Sound design
The Sound Horn
Sergio Testón Udaondo, Álex F. Capilla and Kyrl Acton

Rubén G. Kielmannsegge

Technicians FLUGE & BNC AV
Alba Benegas, Jorge Palomo, Víctor López, Raúl García, Fernando Carabias, Rubén Cabañil
Omar Mohamed, Miguel Patón, Daniel Pacheco, Laura Creutz, Vanesa Sánchez, Nuria Segador
Pablo Villanueva, Adrián Berlanga, Dan Corral, Andrés González, Pablo Báez, Alfonso Pintado
Douglas Vallecillos, Jorge Collado, José Miguel Yuste, José Manuel Pereira, Daniel Casado
María Luisa Martínez, Juan López, Luis Cerón and Diego Jesús García

Technician The Nation Wow and Estudio D3
Daniel Pacheco

Management and technical coordination in place
Alba García, Curro Melero, Mamen Adeva and Jaime Forneiro

INGERENT Technicians
César Ruiz, Gil Gónzalez, Alessio Aurizzi and Fernando Guerrero

ODIN Technicians Productions
Juan Antonio Sánchez, Juan Carlos Gómez, Ismael Torres
Alberto González, Manuel González and Santos Sánchez

Voice figuration
Nuria Azores Ruiz, Sonia de la Cámara, Pedro Rubio Cruz
Israel Hernansaiz Balsalobre, Luisa Rivero Fernández and Alicia robledo Durán

Camera operators
Jorquera, Eduardo Nave, Julio César González

Edition and assembly
Julio César González

Madrid Destination. Culture, Tourism and Business S.A.

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8th international festival of art, theater and new technologies “The Wonders of Possible”

FrontFX Magazine



Between November and December 2021, Kyber Theater organizes in Cagliari (Italy) the 8th Edition of the International Theater, Art and New Technologies Festival called “The Wonders of Possible”.

Its aim is to promote the interrelation between artistic and technological languages.

Kyber Teatro – spin off of L’Aquilone di Viviana (theater and new technologies company, LMDP Festival organizer), addresses to Italian and International artists, also emerging companies and/or under 35 artists, an Open Call to submit their projects about “Interaction between arts and technologies”.

Among innovation and imagination and between humanist and scientific culture, the Festival presents every year a rich schedule of activities and events, all focused to spread the knowledge of this specific artistic-technologic sector according to the new digital creative field. It is characterized by a strong community dimension. Particular attention is paid to the public, accompanied to approach and understand all the Festival performances and activities, with the organization of an intense program of performances, installations, shows, workshop, talks and conferences, characterized by a high level of interactivity and transdisciplinarity.

One of the Festival’s most original features is the attention to the educational perspectives of the planned activities, aimed in particular at young people, with the involvement of the high schools and the humanities and sciences universities courses.

The goal of LMDP is also to foster the creative approach to new technologies by the new generations and their more conscious use, offering them workshops, conferences and training internships, so these skills can be used in the digital creative sector and in particular it can be a training of new professionals and talents inherent to the sector.


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