
Lumen Interview: Adrian Sierra Garcia



We met near the show bench of Lumen, Shop4Vjs and Polyform. I was trying to order the stickers messed up on the table.

– Everything must be in its place, – I murmured.

– Yes, you’re totally right, my friend, – answered Adrian with a smile. – What do you do here, nice child?

– Oh, I’m from Lumen, thanks for the help. By the way, why won’t we make an interview? You seem to be kind of solemn person…

That’s how our meeting begin, Lumen and one of the most open-minded and artistic meditator of the LPM 2015, Adrian Sierra Garcia, the Man of Light.

The brief bio:

AdrianSierraGarcia, artist/designer, architect living and working between Los Angeles and Paris, designs and builds ephemeral environments that celebrate and inspire the spirit of peace and community, using universal element of light to bring people together.
His artworks integrate technology into daily life; they aim to question the role of public space and urban art, as vectors for interpersonal communication.
In Europe, his pieces have particularly been selected for innovation and contemporary art festivals Futur en Seine 2012, La Nuit Blanche 2010 and 2012 in Paris, and for the ephemeral city in the desert, Burning Man 2014 in the United States.
Close to the general public, citizens and grassroots movements, human art activist, social ties articulator, AdrianSierraGarcia actively participates on initiatives promoted by local Parisian, LA and international artists and collectives (Oïdem, VJ Fader, Art en Action, Le 6B, La Generale, Majida, Khattari, Karine Saporta, Museum of Traffic, CreateFixate). These collaborations regularly give life to projects with mobility founded on freedom of expression and economy of means.

Lumen: So… Are you the performer or just a guest on LPM?

Adrian: This year I’m a guest. I’m the architect, I experiment with light, shape, nature and industrial environments. And the most part of my projects is presented on my website.


Lumen: Oh. It’s really interesting! Have you collaborated with VJs? How do you evaluate those projects?

Adrian: Yes, I’ve worked with such artists and it’s really interesting to widespread your possibilities into the new sphere. But still I prefer working with a different kind of installations and architecture.

Lumen: But you’re working with light too! Why?

Adrian: Because it’s a better possibility to do art for communities. Something they can understand easily and fluently get a delight. Let me explain… What we see here at LPM is a perfect platform for the mastery demonstration, knowledge exchange, but not for those who “let into”. Those performances and actions I saw today were really inspiring and I take for myself a lot of ideas, but I don’t mean myself in those case…

COSMIC DANCER by Adrian Sierra Garcia

People from the street can’t fluently turn onto our theme because all media art need the high or medium level of education in arts and technologies, you must possess a strong and critical mind. And also they can’t take children or older people with themselves. And it makes vjing and video mapping as “Ding an sich” – “an art in itself”.

So that’s why I think that we have to open the borders for all people, make this art more popular and acceptable for everybody. The underground and “pure art” won’t be injured in that case. Those levels will be as a base, as the Mastery Asylum. But new levels must appear now, for communities to develop and mix together.

Lumen: I know what are you talking about, I guess… You mean the subculture of artists and theirs art pieces can be hardly understand by the passer-by. And really we’re kind of wild and weird even for our families.

Adrian: Yes, that’s right, so we must fuse communities for the synthesis of new symbols, arts, senses, ideas, to resolve our problems and make mutual projects. So even if we are talking about the commercial world, Vj as other artist have found their place and are very popular. But citizens are definitely far from those performances and only can be accidentally involved into the art actions, without intention. But we must wake that intention up. If we are ready to change our lives.

It’s my rule: “My heart is open for the people. If you take on a duty of the artist, you should open for everything, from the nature to freedom from plates of meaning.” And only at that case you’ll create something connected with people’s hearts, sending them into the condition of child’s perception.

Lumen: It’s a great aim, I wish you luck in the community association, wish you have no problems with commercials and financial issues. One day the video mapping become the game for children in the kindergartens!

Adrian: I’m totally sure! Thanks for the brief interview and wish the luck to Lumen!

P.S. Friends, it’s more than 150 Gb of video content on our disks, so please don’t lose temper and wait for the VIDEO INTERVIEW WITH ADRIAN SIERRA GARCIA and other artist met on LPM 2o15!



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