AV Projects

Mirrored Lights Dance on a Subterranean Stage in Continuum



C ● n ╋ n u u m from CinziaCampolese on Vimeo

Geometric light designs dance in robotic synchronization in Cinzia Campolese‘s latest work, Continuum. The project, presented at the roBot Festival in Bologna, is a precise feat of hypnosis. As shown in the accompanying 8-minute video, projections are cast onto the surface of a reflective panel—placed in the center of Continuum‘s subterranean setting—and images merge, reflect, and refract “to create a window between two parallel spaces.” A thin layer of smoke augments these effects, while an original, tinny track by Trespur serves as the audio for the audio/visual.

Continuum represents the coexistence of duality,” Campolese tells The Creators Project. “The combination of the ‘two’ creates a unique entity that reveals itself as a continuous representation within space… The aim is to create an environment where light is detected as a constant representation in space. The elements of projection touch and traverse the reflective panel, creating opposite aspects of two types of evolutions within the continuum.”

Below, some stills from the captivating Continuum.

All images courtesy of the artist

Find out more about Continuum on the project’s page on Cinzia Campolese’s website.

Via The creators project


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