Out of Line directed and developed by Moniker and Studio Puckey, Out of Line invites visitors to draw hundreds of lines on top of a music...
Created at The Basel School of Design by the 1st year Visual Communication students, Laser Letters is a group project resulting from a short 6 day...
Our Time is the latest large-scale installation by United Visual Artists, investigating the subjective experience of the passing of time – How long is a moment? At what...
The Beacons created by TEM in collaboration with Vincent de Belleval, the team were asked to create something unique and ambitious for Marcus Wainwright’s first show since the...
New work Fragments by London’s Random International includes almost two hundred identical, small mirrors arranged in a grid to form a flat, homogenous surface. Hung against...
Created as a collaboration between Hypersonic and Plebian Design, Constructive Interference is a sculpture designed to engage passer-bys using the wonder of moire patterns. Installation is composed of two...
Created at the Bartlett School of Architecture / Interactive Architecture, Palimpsest uses 3D scanning and virtual reality to record urban spaces and the communities that live in them....
Created by Jerobeam Fenderson and Hansi Raber, Oscilloscope Music is an audio-visual album that uses old analogue oscilloscopes for displaying hand crafted waveforms as x-y plot....
Created and Directed by Anita Fontaine and Geoffrey Lillemon with W+K Amsterdam, Bitmap Banshees is a VR experience set inside a dystopian Amsterdam, where a gang of biker banshees...
Currently showing at Liverpool’s FACT (Foundation for Art and Creative Technology) is the UK premiere of a new work by the acclaimed Japanese artist Ryoichi Kurokawa. The solo exhibition features the stunning...