Top-7 Video Mapping Projections with Displace effect Lumen Magazine is starting а new series of post’s about more interesting video art projects. So the first one is:...
When Chris filmed his son running down the street, yelling with a stick in his hand he could only imagine what was going through his son’s...
Eric Pare, whom you can checkout on Instagram, is doing phenomenal light painting work that you need to see to believe. Usually when you see someone...
GIF and Screencaps by the author, via 3D projection mapping has a unique ability to put perceptions of volume, depth, and space to the test. This ability...
Vienna Fair 2015 – Photo report The 11th VIENNAFAIR will take place from the 8th – 11th October 2015 at the renowned and popular fair venue...
Glitch artwork by Mazi Moilanen “Why would glitch art be dead?” Polish Glitch Arts Collective organizers Aleksandra Pieńkosz and Zoe Stawska asked themselves. The result is the...
Gorgeous installation by Karel Burssens and Jeroen Verrecht (a.k.a. 88888). “Untitled” is basically a 40′ x 4′ hole in a pond surrounding the Horst medieval castle in...
Two dancers collide in a chamber filled with liquid light and, for a moment as chance as their encounter, the chaos of the universe begins to...
Brazillian photographer, Vitor Shietti, has been working with light painting and incorporating it into the natural surrounding. Schietti takes to both the countryside and the...
I’ve always been a sucker for a good nature documentary, but this right here is NEXT LEVEL. Someone grabbed BBC footage of ‘bats vs. Australian crocodiles’,...