Some time ago Lumen scribes an interview with interesting and very serious persona in the VJ world – Mikael Wehner, graphic designer and a visual artist, a...
Dubai continues to direct its energy into the development and the Dubai 2015 Strategy is a roadmap that charts this sustained effort. With this in mind H.H....
World Theatre Day is the creation of the International Theatre Institute (ITI). It is celebrated annually on the 27th March by ITI Centres and the international...
Santralistanbul Museum of Energy The Silahtarağa Power Plant’s first two engine rooms, built in 1913 and 1921 respectively, were reinforced and converted into the Santralistanbul Museum...
Girona will host the 2nd edition of the International Mapping Festival (FIMG) from 30 July to 2 August. The city of Girona will become the international...
Lumen: Okey, let’s the GREAT interview begins 🙂 Tell me some facts about yourself. Where are you from? How does your vjing start? What is your...
as·phyx·i·a is a collaborative effort and experimental film created by Maria Takeuchi with Frederico Phillips and performed by Shiho Tanaka. The project is an effort to explore new ways...
Hong Kong Pulse is a spectacular 3D light show with exciting audiovisual effects. This exhilarating experience, which takes place at the Hong Kong Cultural Centre and...
Dome mapping CRYSTAL DOME of the Petit Palais’ cupola, in Paris for Baccarat’s 250th anniversary celebration and the inauguration of their exhibit! Special thanks to Roger...
“ADELAIDE IS STILL THE PREMIER FESTIVAL CITY.” THE AUSTRALIAN For more than 50 years Adelaide Festival audiences have delighted in an outstanding mix of inspiring, challenging...