VJ CHALLENGE in the framework of WMC 2015!
Technical masters of sight and sound compete in one of the most inspiring (and sensory overloaded) events at WMC. This one of a kind event features VJs from all over the world. Enter this competition if you think you have what it takes. Or come and be entertained and walk away with a new appreciation for the art of the VJ.
Featuring celebrity hosts and judges with prizes and free giveaways provided by leading manufacturers.
ENTRY DEADLINE: Friday, February 20, 2015
Guidelines for entry:
- All entries must include a completed application, $50.00 entry fee, bio, and web link to a video mix.
- Demo’s must be at least 10 minutes in length and must be reflective of the VJs prospective performance.
- Submissions are subject to approval.
- Demo material submitted will become the property of WMC and will not be returned.
- No submissions will be reviewed after the deadline.
- No last minute entries or substitutes are allowed.
- All judges’ decisions are final.
- VJs must bring their own laptops to the competition.
- If you are an International VJ, make sure to bring your own power converters.
More about contest here.
Winter Music Conference
Winter Music Conference, in its 30th consecutive year, is a pivotal platform for the advancement of the industry. During WMC, music enthusiasts, artists, DJs and industry delegates from over 70 countries converge on Miami Beach for a concentrated schedule of more than 400 events, parties, seminars and workshops.
Established in 1985, WMC is the largest longstanding EDM and dance music industry gathering of its kind in the world. As one of the most publicized annual events in the industry, WMC generates over a billion unique viewer media impressions each year. Over 2,000,000+ visitors from 209 countries and territories logged on to the WMC web site during the 2014 season. Over 1,900 artists and DJs participated in 390+ performance events presented at 110 venues during the 29th Annual WMC Week in Miami Beach & Miami.