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AV Projects

Doodles Come to Life on a Giant Face

FrontFX Magazine



The black-and-white murals from the Montreal-based collaborative En Masse look like notebook doodles made extravagant. Their latest project, EN MASSE x VISAGE, sees the melding of artists working across a variety of mediums to harmonize artistically right in front of your eyes like a barbershop quartet.

The self described, “highly spontaneous, multi-artist collaborative” was captured through in jittery stop-motion animation by filmmakers Salman Sajun and Brian Tornay. Painters from the crew create a series of patterns on top of a large sculpture of a human face. The resulting video animates their crisp, street art-infused graphics with a beautiful yet chaotic synchronicity.

The group aims to create works of art conceived with a collective vision, executed by the group, as a means to create something greater than anything one person could create alone. Salman Sajun shared with The Creators Project some behind-the-scenes images of the shoot, which you can check out below:

 Images courtesy of Salman Sajun.  

More from En Masse here. And follow new works from Salman Sajun on his website.

Via The Creators Project

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AV Projects

The Sharjah Light Festival is back with 11 nights of colourful displays

FrontFX Magazine



The festival kicks off next month

There’s a dazzling projection art event coming to Sharjah.

Sharjah Light Festival is returning for 2022 with 11 nights of colourful projections and music. If this year is anything like previous festivals, our eyes are in for a treat.

The colourful festival is the first and only of its kind in the region and has been running for over ten years. It attracts thousands of visitors to up to 20 locations in Sharjah each year. The designs are inspired by local culture, stories and traditions.

The 2022 Sharjah Light Festival goes from February 9 to February 20 and is organized by the Sharjah Commerce and Tourism Development Authority.

The festival brings a kaleidoscope of creative lights and colour to Sharjah’s architecture. Diverse locations are featured during the annual show, with light and sound spectacles that transform them. (Have your camera ready.) The festival uses energy-saving lighting technology and all the lights and projectors used have passed certification for environmental compliance.

The Sharjah Light Festival also showcases the emirate’s rich heritage and historical monuments. Local and international artists, musicians and light technicians collaborate to showcase the emirate’s achievements.
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